Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How-to: Safely Recycle That Computer

My dad loves to call me a tree-hugger (apparently learning foreign languages earns me a liberal tag). But I know I'm not--I'm perfectly willing to use Roundup on that nasty old thistle as anyone. And I would be the first to admit to not saving soda cans *gasp*.

I do cringe, though, whenever I think of all the old computers that might be running around in landfills. I've managed to pawn my old computers off on unsuspecting family members so far, but I've been waiting for that dread day when they catch on to my schemes. Now I am happy to report that there are several options for recycling your ancient (2 years old), slower-than-molasses-in-january (takes more than 5 seconds to load google), un-cool-looking (no fancy blue or green LED lights) computer.

This article by CNET.com covers methods for erasing the data off your hard drive before you recycle the old monster. The author also explains some of the why behind the necessity to make sure the hard drive is cleaned specific ways. While I don't think anyone is really going to go to a lot of trouble to retrieve the 852 cat pictures from my computer's banged up hard drive, I wouldn't take the chance with confidential client data. So, take a look at Robert Vamosi's Security Watch: Ready to recycle that old PC? Read this first.

The next article is even better (much less techie and more choices for doing good in the world). WikiHow's How to Safely Get Rid of an Old Computer lists some great ideas for recycling besides just making the retailer of your new computer recycle the old PC/Mac. Some of them might work even in Nowhere, Wyoming. For instance, it's always fun to put something out in your front yard with a free sign. It doesn't matter what it is, it will disappear.

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